Dear Procurement Professional,
As part of my bachelor's thesis, I am conducting an international study on the changing capabilities of procurement organizations.. The project also aims to examine the significance of various background variables (e.g., age, role) on the maturity of capabilities and performance. The survey gathers information on respondents' views on various procurement areas, such as skills, performance, analytics, digitalization, risk management, and responsible business practices. A summary of the survey results will be compiled and shared with all respondents to support their companies' training and practices. Please allocate 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. Responses are given anonymously and will be treated confidentially. Each response is crucial to the success of the research. You can always stop with this survey at any time. Processing of the information of the survey is fully compliant with data protection regulations in place (learn more about GDPR here). If you leave your contact details at the end of the survey, we will send you updates and share the results, including created tools, reports, and databases, of the project with you in the future. See also below for details on data usage (§).
Kind regards,
The EXPERTISE research team
GDPR explanation - Usage of your data: The information in the main part of the survey does not include personally identifiable information and will be used in the future in our publicly accessible Database on available resources and for research purposes. Additionally, at the end of the survey, you will be asked whether you would like to receive additional information and may enter your personal details (optional). This refers to Article 6b in the GDPR regulation. We offer you our service to inform you about project outcomes, possibilities to participate, and additional engagement possibilities. The request for this service is optional and consent can always be withdrawn, the data will be deleted at the end of this project.
There are 36 questions in this survey.